

Business Entity Selection

Business Entity Selection

Get it right the first time.

Business Entity Selection

One of the first, and most important, decisions you make when starting a new business is the choice of entity.  Selecting the right type entity can provide you the best protection and tax benefits, while choosing the wrong type of entity can have significant adverse consequences.  It is also important to recognize that as your business grows and changes a change in organizational structure and entity type may be beneficial.  Our team at Meepos & Company, CPAs is ready to help you set up and maintain your company to position you for optimal financial growth and success.

  • Sole Proprietorship
  • General Partnership
  • Limited Partnership 
  • Limited Liability Company (LLC)
  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
  • C-Corporation
  • S-Corporation
  • And more

Contact Meepos & Company, CPAs so we can help you determine which structure will best suit your business, real estate holdings, or other activities.